Anderson Independent-Correo de Anderson, Carolina del Sur el 6 de enero de 2002 · 16 (2025)

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Anderson Independent-Mail i
anderson, carolina del sur
Fecha de asunto:
Domingo 6 de enero de 2002

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48 Anderson Independent-Mail Sunday Jan 6 2002 DEATHS Norma Bums TOCCOA Ga — Norma Jean Chambers Bums 57 of 837 Patrick Lane died Saturday Jan 5 2002 at the Stephens County Hospital : Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Acree-Davis Funeral Home Bill Chambers ’ LAKE BUTLER Fla— Billy Eugene Chandlers 61 of Route 4 Box 2670 died Thursday Dec 13 2001 He was a retired sergeant major in die US Army for 32 years He was employed at NFRC-Department of Corrections He was a member of First Baptist Church in Starke and a member Lawtey Fund F and AM Lodge Na 189-32nd Degree Mason Surviving are widow Joyce Morgan Chambers of Lake Butler daughters Julia Stewart of Raiford and Lorraine Johns of Takp Butler sons Wayne and Greggory Chambers both of Lake Butler sisters Patricia Haynie of Belton SC and LaVeme Zimmerman of Collierville Tom nine grandchildren and one great-grandson He was the son of the late Eva Fowler Chambers He was preceded in death by a brother David Carroll Chambers: and grandparents Floyd David and Emma Martin Fowler Manorial services were held Thursday Dec: 20 2001 at the First Baptist Church in Lake Butler with Masonic rites The family suggests memorials be made to the American Cancer Society 2119 S West 16th St Gainesville Fla 32608 or to the charity of one's choice Announcement courtesy of Cox Funeral Home Belton Margaret S Cumber Margaret S Cumber of 909 Brown Road Anderson widow of Ralph Cumber died Saturday Jan 5 2002 at the Anderson Area Medical Cento: Funeral arrangements will be announced by The McDougald Funeral Home Nye E Greene Nye Everett Greene 63 of 1010 Whitfield Point Anderson widower of Nancy Ann Braswell Greene died Friday Jan 4 2002 at his residence Funeral arrangements will be announced by The McDougald Funeral Home The body is at the flmeral home Byrain Betty Han SS formerly of US If North servlets are at I pm today at Sulllvin-Kinf Mortuary Northeast Chapel by the Rev Robert Dkkard burial win be In Fomt Lawn Memorial Park The body is at the Northeast Chapel 3205 SC at North where the fomily will receive Mend from I to 3 pm today Hun tar Randy It of Abbeville services art it 1 p m Monday in the chapel of Brown and Walker Funeral Home by the Rev AR Kollock Sr burial will be in Long Cane AME Church cemetery The fomily ii at the home James George Washington Cody B5 ofDovetown Road Royston Ga eer-vices are at 2 pm today at Pruitt Funeral Home by the Rev Byron Greene burial will be in Franklin Memorial Garden South Family mem-ban will be at their respective homes Flowers si optional The fomily sug-pests memorials be made to the Royston Beptiat Church 767 Church St Royston Ga or to Brawn Memorial Convalescent Center Activities Fund 501 Franklin Springs St Royston Karras Blanche Rook gg of mb Paradis Point Lavonia Ga services an at I pm today at Hamby Funeral Home Lavonia by the Rev Ben Lewis and Dr Joe RenfhK burial will be in the fomily plot in Lavonia City Cemetery The fomily will be at the home Koncx Slavs Joseph 7S of ios Simmons St Anderson memorial services are at 3 pm today at Woodlawn Funeral Home by the Rev Joey Hudgens The fomily wiU be at the home The fomily suggest memorials be made to the Hospice House 1335 Rogns Road Anderson SC 29621 or to Mrs Mary Koncs to be sent by her to bvorite charities of Mrs Kona Malone CUra Anderson as of Maddoa Bridge Road Ware Shoals services are at I pm today at the Ware Shoals United Methodist Church by the Revs Gsyla Summey and Carol Peppers-Wray: burial wiU be in Greenwood Memorial Gardens The fomily win receive friends from 1 to 2 pjn today at the church Parker-White Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements t Ramsey David Gilmer at of Clarkesville Ga memorial services are pjn Monday at the First Presbyterian hurch of Clarken-iUe by the Rev Bruce DodtL The fomily will receive friends from 2 to 4 pm and g to 8 pjs Classified S 231-SELL where the family will receive friends from 6 hi 8 pun Monday The family will be at the residence Essie Hickman HARTWELL Ga — Essie Mae Hickman 41 of 95 Rome St apartment C died Saturday Jan 5 200 at ho1 hone Funeral arrangements will be announced by Mack’s Funeral Home Jesse Holcombe WALHALLA— Jesse Henry Holcombe 68 husband of Rosell Hamby Holcombe of 723 Holcombe Drive died Saturday Jan 5 2002 at the Anderson Area Medical Cento Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Davenport Funeral Hone David F Hutto Jr David Felder Hutto Jr 67 of Anderson died Thursday Jan 3 2002 at Richland Memorial Hospital in Columbia He was the son of the late David Felder Hutto and Winnifred Lloyd Hutto Cromer A private burial was held Saturday at Old Silva Brook Cemetery Sullivan-King Mortuary Downtown Chapel was m charge of arrangements Annie Louise Lankford WEST UNION — Annie Louise Lankford 80 of Foothills Retirement Center died Saturday Jan 5 2002 at Mariner Health Care She was a graduate of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary was a secretary for many churches and the Beaverdam Baptist Association and was a member of Bounty Land Baptist Church Surviving are many nieces nephews grandnieces and grandnephews She was the daughter of the late George Walker and Estelle Wigley Lankford Services are at 3 pm Sunday in the chapel of Seneca Mortuary by the Rev David Duncan interment will be at Wood Memorial Park in Duncan at a later date Visitation will be from 2 to 3 pm Sunday prim: to the service The family suggests memorials be made to the Building Fund of Bounty Laid Baptist Church 1926 Blue Ridge BlvcL Services today at Hillside Memorial Chapel The fomily suggest memorials be made to the First Presbyterian Church of ClarkesvUle Building Fund Wilkes Carrie Jana Gaines 8t of 300 Sulphur Springs Roed Greenville services an at 3 pm today at WD Addison Memorial chapel of Adams Mr James E Hicks Mr James Emory Hicks age 79 husband of Ann White Hicks of 811 O’Neal Ferry Road Townville SC died Friday January 4 2002 a his residence after a short illness Bom in Blanket Texas on February 16 1922 he was the son of the late William F Hicks and the late Mary R Hicks Mr Hicks dedicated most of his career to aviation He spent 21 S are in the US Air Force and lowing his Air Force career he and a partner managed the Beechcraft Aircraft Dealership in Central America for several years Subsequently he managed aviation operations at Outlaw Field in Clarksville TN for seven years As one of the original twenty employees of Federal Express he helped launch flight operations in Memphis TN and was the company's first ten-year retiree Mr Hicks had bean a resident of Townville since 1983 He is survived by his wife of fifty years Ann W Hicks two sons Kerry Hicks of Greenville SC and James Hicks of Charlotte NC and three granddaughters Kristen Savannah and Katherine A private memorial service was held on Saturday January 5 2002 at 3:00 PM in the Chapel of The McDougald Funeral Home officiated by Reverend Minnie Sue Douglas In lieu of flowers the family suggests that memorials be made to the American Lung Association of South Carolina Piedmont Redon 84 Villa B-2 Greenville SC 29615 THE MCDOUGALD FUNERAL HOME Deaths Seneca S CL 29672 Robert Lauzitsen SENECA — Robert Lauritsen of Seneca died Saturday Jan 5 2002 at Oconee Memorial HospitaL Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Seneca Mortuary Peggy Miller TOCCOA Ga — EItpim Peggy Rihn Miller 83 of Queen Street died Saturday Jan 2002 in file Toccoa Nursing Center Bom in Pennsylvania she had lived in Toccoa for file last 25 years She was a homemak-er and a member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Surviving are son Joseph M Miller Jr of Westminster SCj two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren She was the widow of Joseph M Miller Sr and the daughter of the late Joseph S Rihn and Maude Green Rihn Memorial services are at 3 pm Sunday in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Toccoa Acree-Davis Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements Ruby Mobley ABBEVILLE — Ruby Scott Mobley 88 formerly of Abbeville widow of Charlie C Mobley died Saturday Jan 2002 at Carriage Hill Plantation Aiken Funeral arrangements will be announced by Harris Funeral Hone Matthew Owensby HARTWELL Ga -Matthew Chance Owensby one-month-old son of Timothy Jeriel Owensby ofRoyston and Marsha Ann Myers Owensby of Hartwell died Friday Jan 4 2002 at Crawford Long Hospital Atlanta He was bom in Stephens County Surviving are his parents brothers Timothy Tyler Owensby Sean Alexanders Owensby and twin brother Brandon Chase Owensby all or Hartwell sister Ashlar Breanna Owensby of Hartwell maternal grandparents Robert and Joann Myers and paternal grandparents Mr and Mrs westey Bryant and Mr and Mrs Jeriel Owensby Services are at 3 pm Sunday in the chapel of Strickland Funeral Home burial will be in file Fork Cteek Baptist Church cemetery Bowman with the Mortuary Seneca The fomily wiU be at the boo of her daughter ZontU W Robinson 1005 X South 5th 8L Seneca Ella Keys Watson ANDERSON — Ella Keys Campbell McCarley Watson 92 of 1610 Sandy Hollow died Wednesday January 2 2002 at Anderson Area Medical Center Bom in Anderson County she was a retired employee of the Singer Ca and was a member of First Baptist Church Anderson Surviving are one son Henry Heywood McCarley and his wife Teresa of Denver Ca two daughters Dorothy Crowther and her husband Charles of Abbeville and Barbara King and her husband John of Spartanburg two sisters Mrs HB ‘Helen” Richbourg and Mrs Marion “Frances' Bagwell both of Anderson eight grandchildren four great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild She was the daughter of the late Reed E and Lula Gentry CampbeO She was twice married first to the late Thomas Henry McCarley and second to the late Randolph G Watson and was preceded in death by a daughter Mrs John Barrett “Jayne" Carithers Services will be held at 11 AM Monday at Sullivan-King Mortuary Northeast Chapel 3205 N Highway 81 conducted by Dr James R Thomason Burial will be in New Silver Brook Cemetery The family wiU receive friends from 10 until 11 AM Monday at the northeast chapel The family is at their respective homes In fieu of flowers memorials may be made to the American Diabetes Association PO Bax 2680 North Canton Ohio 44720 or to Connie Maxwell Children's Home PO Box 1178 Greenwood SC 29648-9989 SULLIVAN-KING MORTUARY NORTHEAST CHAPEL Rev Willard Crider officiating The body is at the flmeral home where the family wiU receive friends from 1 to 3 pjn Sunday prior to file service Family monbers are at their respective homes Marie Posley HODGES — Marie Owens Posley 96 of the Magnolia Nursing Home died Wednesday Jan 2 2002 at Self Regional Healthcare Bam in Greenwood she was a member of Good Hope Baptist Church where she served as a deaconess and a missionary Surviving are sons Cedi Bobby and Roy Fosley all or Hodges Arthur Fosley of Augusta Ga and Thomas Liddell Fosley of Detroit 12 grandchildren aid 21 greatgrandchildren She was the widow of Letman Fosley and the daugh- CARD OFTIIANKS Minnie and the children of Amie Sr would like to take this time to give a very special thank you for all that you (fid for us during our time of bereavement of my husband their father and our friend Thank you so much for the cants telephone calls food prayers visits love and kindness shtwn during this veiy difficult time Also we would like to give a voy special thank you to Dr and Mis S B Neely and ' Welfare Baptist church New Hope Baptist Church Commercial Industrial Warehouse of Anderson MedShore Anderson Area Medfcal Center Holloway's Flmeral Home of Belton family and friends for your condolences shown to us at a needed lima Wfe are forever grateful May God bless each of you Thank You The Family of the late Me Antie McLinton "Sonny" Young Sc "Miss Me But Let Me Ga" "Oh" How I Loved You Sa" CARD OFTIIANKS The family of the late Jimmy Patterson St would like to express our appreciation to all of our friends and acquaintances doing our loss of our love one We would like to thank his pasta Rev Williams and the Church Family Rev Whitstone Dr Wadee the Anderson Rescue Squad Anderson Lodge 207 Unity Funeral Home aid Staff Sincerely The Itofterson Family CARD OFTHAKKS We the fonily of the late Mrs Lawrence A Hill Williams would like to express our deep appreciation to everyone for your visits flowers food cards donations prayers and support during the home going of our dear loved one Thank You The Gambrell and Williams Family ter of the late Frank and Della Owens Services are at 2 pjn Monday at the Good Hope Baptist Church by the Revs Stanley Haltiwanger and Linda Fosley burial in the church cemetery The body will be placed in the church at 1 pjn Monday No wake is planned The fomily is at file home of her son Roy Fosley ' Robinson-Walker Funeral Service is in charge of arrangements Mors Deaths Page 5B Marshall T Evans ANDERSON — Marshall Thomas Evans 72 of Martin Avenue died Saturday January 5 2002 a Greenville Memorial HospitaL Bom in Newberry County he was a retired employee of Duke Power Ca and was a member of Orrvilte Baptist Church Surviving are two sons Brad Evans and Chris Evans both of Anderson one daughter Wanda Thornton of Walhalla two grandchildren Nerick Thornton - and Nicholas Thornton one brother Wade C Evans of Greenwood He was the widower of Virginia Morton Evans and the son of the late Mason and Annie Elizabeth Rumsey Evans Services will be held at 4 PM Monday at Sullivan-King Mortuary Downtown Chapel by Dr Wendell Bannister and Dr LE Greene Burial will be In New Silver Brook Cemetery The family will receive friends from 2:30 until 4 PM Monday a! the mortuary The family is at their respective homes SULLIVAN-KING MORTU-ARY DOWNTOWN CHAPEL Ruby Smith Edwards DUE WEST — Ruth Smith Edwards died January 5 2002 at Carlisle Nursing Center Due West Retirement Center Due West South Carolina She was the daughter of the late James Arthur Smith and Cora Lane of Ml Carmel McCormick County South Carolina She was predeceased by a brother James Arthur Smith Jr and her hue-band the late Dr William Walker Edwards Prior to moving to Due West she and her husband made their home at 213 Pine Forest Drive Greenville South Carolina where they were devoted members of the Greenville Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and faithful participants in the medical community she was a nurse anesthetist and he as a family practice physician for over 50 years The graveside service will be at the Due West Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Cemetery on Monday January 7 2002 at 2 o'clock PM conducted by her former pastor The Reverend Dr Roy E Beckham and The Reverend Calvin Draffin Memorial may be made to the Due West Retirement Center Box 307 Due Wesl South Carolina 29639 Harris Funeral Home Abbeville in charge of arrangements In Loving Memory of Crystal Danielle Brown 010685-101196 Gystal Today you are 17 yean old I remember die day like it was yesterday when you were bom not only were you my first bom but also we became like sistos and best friends I lost all of that when Jesus called you Home but never our memories Happy Birthday Baby Girl!! I Lose You Mama Bat and Cooler fa Mmoifcs are $2X25 for one picture and up to 50 sink Other Fata are -aretobfaFfase bring ariMdresed ! ttemped envelope far t to Muni your picture Dtndtine k 3 pm on the feqr before puNkadon er 2 pm on Friday ' for SabvdasSundeyand Monday' Special deadlines for hntida Come bjr our effire at muO WHeneaun Rd f Tr-"- rT— — Jerry Ronald Nixon Sc CARD OF TRANKS A heartfelt fomk you to Dre Keremy MacDonald Bind Can Batizy Sylvia Deborah and staff at Cancer Clinic Junel Connie Sherry Haley Tina Ana Bonnie Dr Woodall and staff at Hospice We appreciate the visits cards food flowers and gifts but most of all foe outpouring of hugs love teats and praym that sustained us Thank you Frank and Carol for countless hours April (niece and nuise) and Butch (physical thereto) Jcny and Gndy Jeny Sieve (gopher to chaplainX iy aid Linda Sally wenying for ' us Doc and Linda Andy Cad Buck and Wanda - pool repair food visits T-shirts and for Jerry’s beloved Hariey Hoggs Thomas - Jerry’s last two vacations Jekxi arid Reagan - support at Sturgis Joe and Stephanie Harvey Wayne and Ray Frankie Jimmy Jerry and Ten Bud and Mildred Coffees Jackie Mike R Mike B Kit and Cyndy Tim and Danielle Doc H Scott and Alan Charlie Ts - Charlie Anissa Nikki Jo Nicole Amber Steve Timm's Motorcycle Shop -Charlie Edna Bicky Spat and wife Chris Shaffers Rod Dragon School of Karate - Denny Curt Rocky Chris Jason Phillip Don John Sarah Sun's - Steve Feggv and employees: our Church Family - Mayfields Lucille Levine and Geoge Evelyn Shirley Esther foie S weans Arnold Dale and special friends Makynzi and Taylor Deborah and 001 will forever cherish the Santa with Harley To all our family and countless friends you lightened my load and made Jerry's heart sing Geagia friends - Fred Mary Ann Judy Walter and Brenda Coni and Mike Blane Jimmy Bobby and Debbie Dusty Freddie and Debbie Maigaret Judge Cheeley Lanry and Lynne and Randy Matthew 25:40 - Vferily I say unto you "In as much as ye have done it unto one of foe least of these my brethren ye have done k unto Me P S The Harley escort fa foe funeral was beautiful! Linda and Family I Love You All! In Loving Memory Of Joe BiDy Gambrell Dec 23 55 Apr9212001 Late Birthday And as of now and forever wr honor iL 8 months ago you left us in grief and pain but the Lonl said it was your time to ga and someday well see each other again We love you always Mother Sister and Brothers t i V

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Anderson Independent-Correo de Anderson, Carolina del Sur el 6 de enero de 2002 · 16 (2025)


What is Anderson South Carolina known for? ›

History and Description

Anderson was the first city in the south to have an unlimited supply of electric power. The first cotton gin in the world to be operated by electricity was in Anderson County in 1897.

Who owns the Anderson Independent? ›

Scripps Company bought the newspaper. Scripps spun out its newspaper assets into Journal Media Group in April 2015. In 2016, Gannett acquired all 15 daily JMG newspapers, including the Independent Mail.

Why is Anderson South Carolina called the Electric city? ›

It was founded in 1826 on what had been Cherokee Indian land. Named for a local Revolutionary War hero, General Robert Anderson, it has been called the Electric City because of early (1898) long-distance power transmission from the Seneca River.

Does Anderson South Carolina have a newspaper? ›

Founded in 1899 as the Anderson Daily Mail, the Independent Mail today serves as the hub for local news for Anderson and its surrounding communities in Upstate South Carolina and Northeast Georgia.

Who is the richest person in SC? ›

Anita Zucker (born 1951/1952) is an American businesswoman and philanthropist. She was the chair at the Hudson's Bay Company. Taking over after her husband's death, she is now the chairperson and chief executive officer (CEO) of The Intertech Group. She is the wealthiest person to reside in the state of South Carolina.

What celebrity is from Anderson SC? ›

Birth Place Matching "Anderson, South Carolina, USA" (Sorted by Popularity Ascending)
  • Chadwick Boseman. Actor | Black Panther. ...
  • Jessica Stroup. Actress | The Hills Have Eyes II. ...
  • Brandon Micheal Hall. Actor | Search Party. ...
  • Cameran Eubanks. Self | Southern Charm. ...
  • Tez Dixon. ...
  • Lu Parker. ...
  • James Robert 'Radio' Kennedy. ...
  • Ron Prather.

Who owns Anderson Mall Anderson SC? ›

Image of Who owns Anderson Mall Anderson SC?
Kohan Retail Investment Group is a shopping mall investment company based in Great Neck, New York. They primarily purchase endangered/troubled shopping malls.

Who owns Anderson News? ›

The paper is owned by Landmark Community Newspapers, Inc., a division of Landmark Communications.

What city is known as the electric city? ›

The Electric City Sign lights up Scranton's skyline at night! It was originally built to commemorate Scranton's status as being one of the first cities in the United States to become electrified. The city's nickname "Electric City" began when electric lights were introduced in 1880 at the Dickson Manufacturing Company.

Who owns Anderson power? ›

Kevin Anderson - Owner - Anderson Power Services | LinkedIn.

Is Anderson SC rural or urban? ›

Anderson, South Carolina
Urban118,369 (US: 286th)
• Urban density1,233.8/sq mi (476.4/km2)
ZIP Codes29621-29626
FIPS code45-01360
29 more rows

What is the largest newspaper in South Carolina? ›

We are a statewide capital city newspaper (Columbia is the state capital of South Carolina) and are the largest newspaper in the state.

What is Anderson SC like to live in? ›

Anderson is in Anderson County. Living in Anderson offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents rent their homes. In Anderson there are a lot of parks. Many families, young professionals, and retirees live in Anderson and residents tend to have moderate political views.

What is the oldest newspaper in South Carolina? ›

Published in Charleston, the Post and Courier is the oldest daily newspaper in South Carolina. The publication's lineage can be traced through three newspapers. The oldest, the Charleston Courier, began publication on January 10, 1803.

What is the salary to be considered rich in South Carolina? ›

In South Carolina, to be in the top 5% of income, you would have to make at least $374,427 a year. The minimum income to be in the top 20% is $116,032.

What is the richest place in South Carolina? ›

You can read their full study here.
  1. Kiawah Island, SC.
  2. Sullivan's Island, SC. ...
  3. Briarcliffe Acres, SC. ...
  4. Isle of Palms, SC. skiserge1/Getty Images Plus. ...
  5. Tega Cay, SC. skiserge1/Getty Images Plus. ...
  6. Fort Mill, SC. skiserge1/Getty Images Plus. ...
  7. Seabrook Island, SC. skiserge1/Getty Images Plus. ...
  8. Mount Pleasant, SC. skiserge1/Getty Images Plus. ...
Jan 20, 2023

What is the richest country in South Carolina? ›

South Carolina Counties Ranked by Per Capita Income
RankCountyPer capita income
United States$27,334
44 more rows

What is the most common crime in Anderson SC? ›

In addition, NeighborhoodScout found that a lot of the crime that takes place in Anderson is property crime. Property crimes that are tracked for this analysis are burglary, larceny over fifty dollars, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

Is it expensive to live in Anderson SC? ›

The cost of living in Anderson, SC is 11% lower than the state average and 16% lower than the national average. Anderson, SC housing is 39% cheaper than the U.S average, while utilities are about 10% less pricey.

What is the best area to live in Anderson SC? ›

Best Neighborhoods Near Anderson
  • Concord: Ashley Downs.
  • Northview: Northlake.
  • West Anderson: Lakeside and Westview Heights.

When did Andersons store close? ›

On June 3, 2017, The Andersons closed its retail doors for the last time citing a $20 million loss over 8 years. The retail stores employed nearly 1,050 of The Andersons' workforce.

Who owns Magnolia Mall? ›

Image of Who owns Magnolia Mall?
Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust is a publicly traded real estate investment trust that invests in shopping centers mostly in the Mid-Atlantic states.

Who bought Savannah Mall? ›

8, 2022 – Savannah Mall was purchased by BCHM Investment Group LLC for about $8.44 million on Oct.

Who is the CEO of Anderson Media Corporation? ›

Charlie Anderson is the President and CEO at Anderson Media .

What is the Anderson Family Foundation? ›

The Anderson Family Foundation, Inc. operates as a non profit organization. The Company provides funding to grantee organizations. The Anderson Family Foundation is devoted to combat the commercial sexual exploitation of children. The Company also supports various philanthropy projects.

What is the revenue of Anderson Media? ›

Anderson Media's revenue is $552.7 Million What is Anderson Media's SIC code?

What was the first electrified town in the world? ›

On March 31, 1880, Wabash became "the first town in the world generally lighted by electricity," as four 3,000-candlepower Brush lights suspended from the flagstaff on top of the Wabash County Courthouse were switched on, flooding the neighborhood with light.

What was the first city to have electricity? ›

On March 31, 1880 Wabash became the "First Electrically Lighted City in the World." One of the original Brush Lights is on display at the Wabash County Courthouse. The city just celebrated the 125th anniversary with a 3-day celebration.

What city has the most energy? ›

Top 25 cities
RankTop 25 City NameEquivalent Homes' Electricity Use for 1 Year
1Los Angeles55,900
2Washington DC100,900
4San Francisco39,100
22 more rows

Where is Anderson Power headquarters? ›

Where is Anderson Power Products 's headquarters? Anderson Power Products is located in Sycamore, Illinois, United States .

What do the colors of Anderson plugs mean? ›

Anderson plugs come in a range of sizes and colours, the most common being the grey and the red 50-amp ones. You can get up to a 350-amp. The bigger the current, the bigger the Anderson plug we need. A red Anderson plug will only fit into a red Anderson plug. We can't connect, basically, a red and a grey.

What is a Anderson plug? ›

An Anderson style plug is a moulded, heavy-duty connector designed for high current 12V circuits. They are commonly used to create a safe and secure power connection between a caravan or camper and a tow vehicle. Indeed, most caravans and campers these days have an Anderson style plug installed from factory.

What is the black white ratio in Anderson South Carolina? ›

White: 61.78% Black or African American: 34.23% Two or more races: 2.98% Other race: 0.4%

Is Anderson SC diverse? ›

The largest Anderson racial/ethnic groups are White (59.4%) followed by Black (33.0%) and Hispanic (3.8%).

What is the nickname for Anderson SC? ›

About Anderson

Fondly known as the Electric City, Anderson acquired its nickname in the late 19th century when it became the first city in the South to make use of long distance cables to carry electricity generated from hydroelectric power plants.

What is the largest Native American newspaper? ›

Name and DescriptionNationLocation
Published monthly by Oklahoma Indian Times, Inc. Formally known as the Oklahoma Indian Times newspaper, it has expanded its coverage to a national level. Still independently owned, it is the largest newspaper of its kind in America.
The Navajo TimesNavajoUS - Southwest
86 more rows

Which is largest selling newspaper? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
The New York TimesUSEnglish
Guangzhou DailyChinaChinese
Nanfang DailyChinaChinese
Rajasthan PatrikaIndiaHindi
15 more rows

What are the three largest U.S. national newspapers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to March 2022 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 697.49 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by USA Today.

What are the safest neighborhoods in Anderson SC? ›

Best Anderson Neighborhoods

The downtown area tends to have higher crimes rates, but Anderson is comfortable and safe for families and singles as you spread to the outer area of the city. These safe neighborhoods include the Campbell, Starr, and Hammond areas.

What is the oldest still running newspaper? ›

The emergence of the new media branch has to be seen in close connection with the simultaneous spread of the printing press from which the publishing press derives its name. The oldest living newspaper in the world, and with the same title, is the Gazzetta di Mantova, regularly published in Mantua (Italy) since 1664.

Which is the oldest newspaper running till now? ›

The Bombay Samachar, now Mumbai Samachar, is the oldest and still existing newspaper in India.

What is the oldest operating newspaper? ›

In Austria the Wiener Zeitung was started in 1703 and is considered to be the oldest surviving daily newspaper in the world. The oldest continuously published weekly paper was the official Swedish gazette, the Post-och Inrikes Tidningar; begun in 1645, it adopted an Internet-only format in 2007.

Is Anderson SC a nice place to live? ›

Living in Anderson offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents rent their homes. In Anderson there are a lot of parks. Many families, young professionals, and retirees live in Anderson and residents tend to have moderate political views. The public schools in Anderson are above average.

What is the percentage of blacks in Anderson SC? ›

Anderson Demographics

Black or African American: 34.23% Two or more races: 2.98% Other race: 0.4%

What is the most expensive area to live in South Carolina? ›

Then there is Sullivan's Island. CashNetUSA recently ranked Sullivan's Island as the most expensive neighborhood in South Carolina. The ranking is part of a list of most expensive neighborhoods in every U.S. state, based on Zillow data.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in South Carolina? ›

Living Wage Calculation for South Carolina
0 Children2 Children
Living Wage$16.73$36.52
Poverty Wage$6.53$13.34
Minimum Wage$7.25$7.25

Is it cheaper to live in NC or SC? ›

Cost of Living

This is slightly below the national average and makes both states highly affordable. However, with home prices middling close to $181k, South Carolina's housing market is marginally cheaper than North Carolina's. All in all, South Carolina wins in terms of affordability.

What is the cheapest place to live in South Carolina? ›

Cheapest Places to Live in South Carolina
  • Union. The cheapest place to live in South Carolina is Union. ...
  • Gaffney. Gaffney is the second-cheapest place to live in South Carolina. ...
  • Orangeburg. ...
  • Newberry. ...
  • Laurens. ...
  • Greenwood. ...
  • Sumter.
Jan 18, 2023

What is the property tax rate in Anderson SC? ›

If you own a home, you want to be sure to obtain the 4% assessment rate if you live in the home as your legal residence (domicile). Otherwise, your tax rate will be 6%. To obtain the lower rate for legal residence, you will need to complete an application with the County Assessor.

Where is the best and safest place to live in South Carolina? ›

The study had Bluffton as one of the safest areas of the state, behind the Midlands city of Edgefield in first place, with showing Bluffton's violent crime rate and property crime rate exponentially lowering every year since 2020.

What is the blackest county in South Carolina? ›

CountyStateBlack alone %
AllendaleSouth Carolina70.36%
DoughertyGeorgia (U.S. state)69.92%
65 more rows

What is the oldest black town in South Carolina? ›

Its claim to first in the nation is rivaled only by Eatonville, Florida. Along with James City in Craven County and Roanoke Island in Dare County, the community was among the state's three resettlement colonies for former slaves. Community established here by freed blacks in 1865. Incorporated as Princeville in 1885.

What is the whitest area in South Carolina? ›

South Carolina White Population Percentage City Rank
RankWhite Population Percentage ▼City / Population
1.100.0%Smyrna, SC / 45
2.99.3%Salem, SC / 135
3.99.2%Smoaks, SC / 126
4.98.8%Edisto Beach, SC / 414
160 more rows

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.