Looking for How to Make How to freeze pumpkin from your garden (directions, recipe, with photos) - Easily! With Step-by-step Photos, Recipe, Directions, Ingredients and Costs in 2024? Scroll down this page and follow the links.And if you bring home some fruit or vegetables and want to can, freeze, makejam, salsa or pickles, see thispage for simple, reliable, illustrated canning, freezing or preservingdirections. There are plenty of other related resources, click on the resources dropdown above. If you are having a hard timefinding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.
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How to Make How to freeze pumpkin from your garden (directions, recipe, with photos) - Easily! With Step-by-step Photos, Recipe, Directions, Ingredients and Costs
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You probably take canned pumpkin for granted. You're there, the can isthere, there's a pumpkin on the label... open it and mix it up with spices tomake a pie, right. Ah, but a pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, pumpkin bread madefrom a fresh pumpkin tastes so much better than the glop that was processed lastyear! Here's how to do it, complete instructions in easy steps and completelyillustrated. And it is much easier than you think, using my "patented" tips andtricks!
Directions for Making Pumpkin Filling from ScratchTo Freeze or Use Fresh
Ingredients and Equipment
Recipe and Directions
Step 1 - Get your pie pumpkin
"Piepumpkins" are smaller, sweeter, less grainy textured pumpkins than the usualjack-o-lantern types. grocery stores usually carry them in late Septemberthrough December in the U.S. Note: the Libby's can of cooked pumpkinis just there for reference - it is the small can, so that gives you an idea ofthe size of a typical pie pumpkin. They're only about 8 inches indiameter.
Just like selecting any squash, look for one that is firm, no bruises or softspots, and a good orange color.
Yield: Pie pumpkins are small, usually only 6 inches in diameter. Youcan usually obtain about 2 or 3 cups or puree per pumpkin.
Step 2 - Prepare the pumpkin for cooking
Washthe exterior of the pumpkin in cool or warm water, no soap.
Cut the pumpkin in half. A serrated knife and a sawing motion worksbest - a smooth knife is more likely to slip and hurt you!
Step 3 - Scoop out the seeds...
Andscrape the insides. You want to get out that stringy, dangly stuff thatcoats the inside surface. I find a heavy ice cream scoop works great forthis.
The seeds can be used either to plant pumpkins next year, orroasted to eat this year! Place them in a bowl of water and rub them betweenyour hands. then pick out the orange buts (throw that away) and drain offthe water. Spread them out on a clean towel or paper towel to dry and they'reready to save for next year's planting or roast.Click here for roasting instructions!(opens in a new window)
Step 4 - Put it in a microwaveable bowl
Removethe stem, and put the pumpkin into a microwaveable. You may need to cut thepumpkin further to make it fit. The fewer the number of pieces, the easierit will to scoop out the cooked pumpkin afterwards.
Put a couple of inches of water in the bowl, cover it, and put in themicrowave.
Step 5 - Cook the pumpkin until soft
Cookfor 15 minutes on high, check to see if it is soft, then repeat in smallerincrements of time until it is soft enough to scoop the innards out.Normally it takes 20 or 30 minutes in total.
Note: You CAN cook it on the stovetop; it will just take longer (almost twiceas long)
Step 6 - Scoop out the cooked pumpkin
Usinga broad, smooth spoon, (such as a tablespoon) gently lift and scoop the cookedpumpkin out of the skin. It should separate easily an in fairly largechucks, if the pumpkin is cooked enough.
Step 7 - Puree the pumpkin
Toget a nice, smooth consistency, I use a Pillsbury hand blender. A regularblender works, too (unless you made a few frozen daiquiris and drank themfirst..). Or even just a hand mixer with time and patience.
With the hand blender, it just takes 2 or 3 minutes!
Step 8 - Done with the pumpkin!
The pumpkin is nowcooked and ready for freezing or pie recipe. Get the frozen daiquiris outfrom step 7 and take a break! :)
You can pack it containers, like Ziploc bags or plastic containers, excludeas much air as you can, and freeze it!
... or to start making tasty treats.
how about ...
How to make a pumpkin pieand How to make a flakey pie crust
How to make Pumpkin Bread
How to make pumpkin soup
How to make roasted pumpkin seeds
I love the FoodSavers (seethis page for more information) with their vacuum sealing! Here'san example of one model:
FoodSaver V2840 Advanced Design
This one is the least expensive of the Food Saver models that has all theadvamced features, like automatic bag detection and sealing, which makes itfaster and easier to seal. And yes, you can seal and freeze foods withliquids (just freeze the unsealed bag in the freezer overnight, THEN sealit!)
- Home vacuum-packaging system vacuums, seals, and shuts offautomatically
- Upright vacuum-sealingappliance with SmartSeal technology keeps food fresh longer
- Push-button operation;built-in roll storage and cutter; automatic liquid detection
- Crush-free instant seal;2 vacuum speeds; 2 seal levels; progress lights; integratedbag opener
- Marinate and canistermodes; includes 3 quart-size bags, 2 gallon-size bags, and aroll of bag material
- Measures approximately 6by 18-8/9 by 10-2/5 inches; 1-year limited warranty
Looking for canning equipment and supplies?
Water bath canner with a jar rack
Pressure canners for gas, electric and induction stoves: Presto23Qt or T-fal 22Qt
Canning scoop (this one is PERFECT)
Find Other types of farms:
- Easter egg hunts
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- Local Honey, apiaries, beekeepers
- Local Meat, Milk and Eggs
- Consumer fraud and scams information
- Home canning supplies at the best prices on the internet!
- Maple Syrup Farms, sugarworks, maple syrup festivals
- Environmental information and resources
- Farms For Your Event for birthday parties, weddings, receptions, business meetings, retreats, etc.
- Festivals - local fruit and vegetable festivals
- Pumpkin patches and corn mazes
- Christmas Tree Farms and lots
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the Ball Blue Book
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the Ball Blue Book of Home Canning
Find other types of farms:
- Easter egg hunts
- Children's consignment sales
- Farm markets and roadside stands
- Local Honey
- Local Meat, Milk and Eggs
- Road trip and camping
- Pumpkin patches and corn mazes
- Christmas Tree Farms and lots
- Maple Syrup farms and sugarworks
Highly rated canning supplies:
- Regular Mouth Canning Lids with food-grade with BPA Free Silicone seals for Ball, Kerr Jars for Canning
- Canning accessories kit: funnel, jar tongs, lid lifter, etc
- Food Dehydrator, 400W Electric with 8 Trays, 48 hour Timer and Temperature Control 95-176℉, BPA-Free
- Water Bath Canner, 21 Qts with lid, Jar Rack, Speckled Black, cans 7 quart jars, 9 pint jars or 13 half-pint jars
- Air Fryer: Instant Pot Instant Vortex Plus XL 8QT Clear Windows, Custom Programming, 8-in-1 Functions that Crisps, Broils, Roasts, Dehydrates, Bakes, Reheats
- Pressure canner: All American 921, 21.5qt Pressure Cooker/Canner, never needs gaskets, Great for Gas, Electric or Flat Top Stoves - Made in the USA
- The Backyard Homestead:a guide to homesteading , on 1/4 acre, how to raise grains and vegetables; raise animals for meat, eggs, and dairy; and keep honey bees
- Smart silent HEPA Air Purifiers for Home, Large Rooms for Allergies, Smoke, Pets. Eliminates 99.97% of Dust, Pet Hair, Odors