97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (2024)

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97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It.

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97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (1)

Alavaria Fera


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#181 -2013-10-25 06:52:23 UTC


Quite a lot of words....

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (2)

Anya Solette

Federal Navy Academy

Gallente Federation

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#182 -2013-10-25 06:57:17 UTC


Bravo to Sniggwaffe and N3 for pulling this thing off. I sense wardecs incoming to Wis's corp to keep him docked for a week or 2 as well, might be fun 97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (3)

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (4)

Alavaria Fera


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#183 -2013-10-25 06:57:47 UTC


Anya Solette wrote:

Bravo to Sniggwaffe and N3 for pulling this thing off. I sense wardecs incoming to Wis's corp to keep him docked for a week or 2 as well, might be fun 97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (5)

Can't he just drop corp and start a new one

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (6)

DeMichael Crimson

Republic University

Minmatar Republic

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#184 -2013-10-25 07:24:25 UTC


Tippia wrote:

DeMichael Crimson wrote:

The thread title is a lie and reading this thread reminds me of a bunch of cackling hens.

QQ moar.

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (7)
So instead of misquoting and twisting statements around you're now trying to place tears where none are present. Just another typical fail reply from you.

Hinata' Hyuga wrote:

DeMichael Crimson wrote:

The thread title is a lie and reading this thread reminds me of a bunch of cackling hens.

Definitely a shameful display of envy. All jealous and hating on the guy just because he was smart enough to figure out how to win at playing Eve.

I hope he hires a Merc corp to enact some well deserved revenge.


Always that one guy who wants to get technical but doesn't want to do the research.

There highest alt number I saw was 97.
His corp has 105 alts
Today, 50 macks died.

You tell ME what number I should put as the title.

Otherwise, give it a rest.

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (8)
Heh, real tough chick, you act like you did it all yourself.
Maybe you should unbunch your panties and do some research before you post. While you're at it take your own advice and give it a rest.


'The Plan' | California Eve Players | Proposal - The Endless Battle

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (9)


Multispace Technologies Inc

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#185 -2013-10-25 08:13:42 UTC


97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (10)

He's must have a stack of pc:s that reach the ceiling. Hope he lives somewhere where there is cheap electricity.

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (11)

Joe Korako

Caldari Provisions

Caldari State

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#186 -2013-10-25 09:27:49 UTC


Don't tell Rooks and Kings about this..

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (12)



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#187 -2013-10-25 09:58:17 UTC


Dr0000 Maulerant wrote:

It makes perfect sense, mining is relaxing but a little light on interactivity. So you're exponentially increasing your isk and linearly increasing effort.

I want to know though, how is this guy "ruining" the game for anyone?

mmh okey , i get brainf*cked when mining

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (13)

Weed Jones

Native Freshfood

Minmatar Republic

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#188 -2013-10-25 12:23:10 UTC


Anya Solette wrote:

Bravo to Sniggwaffe and N3 for pulling this thing off. I sense wardecs incoming to Wis's corp to keep him docked for a week or 2 as well, might be fun 97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (14)

What???? Is that english, hell nooo, i can't really understand :D

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (15)


Retribution Holdings Corp


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#189 -2013-10-25 12:38:04 UTC


ELWhappo Sanchez wrote:

well I tried to mine ice in agal once since the changes where made.
this guy pretty much locks everyone else out from mining in that system.
so ya smart bombs are in order or a fleet of 300 cats/thrashers would make a nice utube vid.

You could war dec him

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (16)

Operative X10-4


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#190 -2013-10-25 13:25:24 UTC


Seriously, we planned that gank for the fun, we had no idea the he was the wis, neither we would care if we knew about it... We just saw a oportunity, too many pinatas flying toghether, so we did.
About mercs behind us and things like that, seriously it makes no diference, its just more guys to point a set of 1400mm at, and play knock knock.


97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (17)


The Scope

Gallente Federation

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#191 -2013-10-25 14:18:35 UTC|Edited by: TigerXtrm


Brain Gehirn wrote:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li5B80Sw_Wc < Soturno's POV
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tlhlwuf4qjs < My POV


Ah thank you, that made my day. EVE's harsh world at work. Do that a couple more times and you effectively negated any profit he made and he rage quits :D Where can I send my friendly donation as an encouragement to do it again? Seriously?

My YouTube Channel - EVE Tutorials & other game related things!

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97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (18)

Lucas Kell

Solitude Trading


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#192 -2013-10-25 14:47:43 UTC|Edited by: Lucas Kell


Who is this "Wis", and is he responsible for my door refusing to open in my quarters?

EDIT (after googling): Oh, that guy. *shrug*

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (19)

Hinata' Hyuga

WillPower and Courage Corporation

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#193 -2013-10-25 15:12:28 UTC


DeMichael Crimson wrote:

Heh, real tough chick, you act like you did it all yourself.
Maybe you should unbunch your panties and do some research before you post. While you're at it take your own advice and give it a rest.


Personal attacks only prove that you cannot articulate what makes my title is "a lie." Thus, to save face, you deflect it into a more basal attack.

My claim is that the number of actual accounts is subjective; however, it is also irrelevant. 50 accounts or 100 accounts does not remove the significance of the majority of the discussion on this forum.

Again I ask, what should have been the title? Because to say something is a lie is also to say that you know the Truth. Impart this great wisdom on us.

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (20)


Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies

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#194 -2013-10-25 15:21:46 UTC


The whole thing make me think the 'Remove Local' chants might be aiming too low. 'Remove Forums' might be a more appropriate argument for those against OP, free, no work Intel.


Things that keep me up at night;Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs?Moore's Law should state,Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (21)


Republic Military School

Minmatar Republic

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#195 -2013-10-25 15:22:17 UTC


You would be your own mans army, out in null sec haha 100 drake fleet!

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (22)

Malcolm Shinhwa

The Scope

Gallente Federation

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#196 -2013-10-25 15:34:52 UTC


Lucas Kell wrote:

Who is this "Wis", and is he responsible for my door refusing to open in my quarters?

EDIT (after googling): Oh, that guy. *shrug*

He opens the door to your quarters, and ganks all the ice in your refrigerator.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win.There is no possible victory in defense.The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either.The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (23)

Lara Dantreb

Reisende des Schwarzschild Grenze

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#197 -2013-10-25 15:45:00 UTC


Roevhalt wrote:

Hi Guys (or should I say Yar and try to be cool?)

I have known The Wis for quiet a few years and he is just as "normal" as you or me. Yes he got an Amazing mining fleet, yes he rapes and ice belt in 20 minutes, but you talk about him as he is a ****** that dont know how to defend himself.

Well he is not a World class pvp:er, but he is not without teeth - Goons tried to wipe his fleet several times with limited success.

MIttani took the **** out of him on fan fest and ended up looking not so hot himself

Now a thread where ppl try make my FRIEND look like a dork???

Guys, for Wis - Eve is not just about ISK, its not just about mining, The Wis prime driver is the technology - you ask what he runs.... he runs a bunch of recycled old PC with a f*ckking smart config.

Yes I uses iseboxer, you should see some of the scripts he made - the man is a f*ckking genius!

Yes he works, he is a highly rated highly skilled IT consultat, if I knew half what he knows about IT I would be a happy pup

Most ppl that talk about Wis talks about his mining fleet, you should see him use the same Tools to do his one man tornado camps ;o) Yes Wis pew on occasion, its not a focus area of Eve for him, but I seen him set up Tornado camps using his know how and OUCH that effin hurts when the nados open up.

This is not a defence speach, just trying to right some wrong facts

To me The Wis is one of many Eve player I admire for their dedication to Eve, their skill at doing what they do.

I am also very impressed by MIttani, Amazing how he runs Goons
Psychotic MOnk is Another -blown your mind- smart Amazing kinda guy

About me... regular Eve player, bit of pvp, some wars, bit of indy, mining - about average I would say - of course I dont have alts that are prone to all kinds of asshattery or anything... ;o)

Cool story bro.

So your genius friend needs 97 accounts to fuel his playing and you find it's uber ? lol, let me say quite a few things :

- You don't need to be a genius to make a wealth
- You don't need so much dedication to make a wealth
- You don't need a wealth to have fun
- You don't need so much complication to succeed in PvP

I agree he's a smart guy, way smarter than I am. But unimaginative and uncreative, except for scripting/parallelizing stuff...

--- Buying T2 ship bpos since 2005 ---

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (24)


Sunshine and Lollipops

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#198 -2013-10-25 16:03:44 UTC|Edited by: Tippia


DeMichael Crimson wrote:

So instead of misquoting and twisting statements around you're now trying to place tears where none are present.

No. I just noticed the angry tears you were shedding as everyone else were celebrating — you know, the usual abuse you heap over people having fun — which is pretty normal for you.


cackling hens […] shameful display of envy. All jealous and hating

In short, people are having fun, you scold them, so please, QQ moar.

97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (25)

Operative X10-4


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#199 -2013-10-25 16:13:41 UTC


Things got to a new level, it's official now hahaha.


97 Account Multiboxing. Better Believe It. - EVE General Discussion (26)

Weed Jones

Native Freshfood

Minmatar Republic

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#200 -2013-10-25 16:30:29 UTC


Honestly i don't care who "Wis" is, neither what he does in real life, lol!
He might be a good or bad guy/player, i don't really care.
Give it a break.

We just had some fun, that's all!

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97 Account Multiboxing.  Better Believe It. -   EVE General Discussion (2024)
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